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The Rural Enhancement Funding Stream is designed to support priorities of rural communities to contribute to healthy and strong communities.

Who is Eligible?

Rural municipalities, Indigenous communities, not-for-profit organizations and Local Services Boards having or serving a population of less than 30,000.

What Projects are Eligible?

Incremental improvements, repairs, and/or renovations to improve and extend the useful life of capital assets including; social and recreational facilities, municipal assets and community halls, that contribute to a healthy and vibrant community.

The NOHFC Board of Directors may consider exceptions to these eligibility criteria for projects that address a priority need in Northern Ontario.

Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Identification and alignment with a planning process such as community or organizational plan
  • How the project builds on and optimizes the capacity and efficiency of existing infrastructure
  • Strength of project plan that identifies the technical, managerial and financial capacity for implementing the project and sustaining the facility
  • Applicant should demonstrate how an NOHFC investment is necessary to make the project viable


  • Funding is in the form of a conditional contribution, and will not exceed:
    • For communities under 1,500 and Indigenous communities, up to 90% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $200,000;
    • For communities over 1,500, up to 75% of total eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000.
  • The amount of funding for each project is determined by the NOHFC Board of Directors, and limited funding is available. Not all projects meeting the criteria will necessarily receive funding.
  • NOHFC may decline funding where support for a project is considered to fall within the mandate of another federal or provincial government program, except that NOHFC may provide additional assistance to a project once a decision is made under such other program, at NOHFC’s sole discretion.

What is Not Eligible?

  • Core infrastructure such as municipal public services including roads, bridges, water, and sewer
  • Administrative space or office buildings
  • Residential projects
  • Operating expenses, including routine and on-going maintenance
  • Rolling stock
  • Stand-alone equipment purchases
  • Stand-alone furniture purchases
  • Stand-alone studies (feasibility, engineering, strategy etc.)

Program Requirements

  • All buildings, facilities or land improved with NOHFC funding must be owned by the applicant.
  • The applicant may be required to reimburse NOHFC if assets financed by NOHFC are sold within the first three years after project completion.


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